Wednesday, June 4, 2008

mercury in retrograde.... yeah I b one of those... who cares what the hororscope is really altho why not pay closer attention to the way the planets align and interactions with the sun make and change life on earth... you know what I'm talkin about right?

the existentialist says, "you make it what you wanna, and you see what you wanna c" and thats true enuf too... so whatever, I wanna see relationship based science and how and when and why culture happens on a macrocosmic level and a microcosmic level and guess what else... they are the same thing।

retrograde means something like, "going backward" right? and we could look at it like backward steps if you wanna, yet even backward steps allow for progression if you are aware of what is happening and aren't "regressing" which is something altogether different. here we are invited to "revisit" the so-called "past" and relationships of the aformentioned so-called "past"...

were all relationship based yet where we differ is whether or no we are dealing with our relationships of people, of places, or of things... and revisiting/reflecting/reenacting (in my head) are things I have done all my life.

day dreams if you will...

culture is interesting and interestingly misunderstood. culture is cultivated like a garden. people/places/things in the garden all interact with a determined idea and purpose. each has a role not valued more than another and driven by thier interactions and thier determined outcomes...

did y'all notice how the 1st order of business for our messianic icon (Obama) was to offer allegiance to the zionists? fuckin miisguided attempt for what may seem to be a position of power (presidency). Power being the ability to master a task (or nation) based on your ability as the best knower of a thing.

well I'm off the Obama wagon y'all...officially not for the aformentioned...for many many reactions I have observed as miguided intentional displays of the American Dream.....

its raining and as you know...when it rains... it mf'in pours.

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